What People Say About Flipster


Ken Darr from Dillsburg, PA used Flipster to make $18,000 on this house. Ken says, “Flipster told me exactly what to offer, and I made $18k flipping this deal!”

After Repair Value:




Money Down:




Nancy Therrien from Annapolis, MD used Flipster to flip this house with no money out of pocket. She says, “I did this deal with 100% funding and made close to $45,000 profit!”

After Repair Value:




Money Down:



Rodney Weary from Dallas, TX used Flipster to find this deal and make a quick $5,000. He says, “Using Flipster, I got my first deal, and a few days later I was holding a $5,000 check!”

Wholesale Profit:


Money Down:



Instant Access to 150 Million Properties Nationwide, Including...

Absentee Owners

Property owners who don’t live in the house. They are often ready to sell at deep discounts, to get rid of the headache of managing it.

Out-of-State Owners

Like absentee owners, but more motivated to sell because they are too far away to deal with the property in person.

Cash Buyers

Investors and landlords who have paid cash for houses, and are likely to buy more houses in the future.

Private Lenders

Wealthy individuals who fund real estate deals at better rates (and with less hassle) than hard money lenders or banks.


Houses currently going through the foreclosure process. These homeowners are highly motivated to sell to get the bank off their back.

MLS Leads

On-market leads usually only accessible to licensed agents. Flipster gets you access in all 50 states.

Craigslist Leads

Off-market leads usually only accessible by manual search. Flipster scrapes Craigslist daily, and finds motivated sellers for you.


Houses reclaimed by the bank. Banks sell these houses at a discount to get them off their books.

Free & Clear Leads

People who have paid off their mortgage. These sellers are typically older, and may sell below market value.

Vacant Lots

Empty buildable lots that can be flipped to developers for profit.


Houses inherited after the owner dies. They often sell for cheap because the new owner doesn’t want to maintain them.

Specialty Liens

Houses with involuntary liens (including vendor and tax liens). These owners are often distressed and motivated to sell.

Empty Nesters

People who have owned their homes for over 20 years, and have high equity. These sellers may be looking to downsize, after their children have moved out.

Tired Landlords

Landlords who have owned a rental property for more than 8 years. They are often burned-out and ready to accept a low cash offer.

Vacant Houses

Houses that are sitting vacant and costing the owners money (taxes, insurance, etc), making them very motivated to sell.


Foreclosed homes that sell for below market value at auction.

Plus... “Deep Trace” Technology
(The Future of Skip Tracing)

This is not your average skip trace.

When you run a skip trace in Flipster, you get over a dozen data points
 including phone numbers (landline and mobile), email addresses, age, occupation history, and social media handles!

Flipster Features

Lead Stacking

A search tool that targets extremely motivated sellers by combining motivations (like absentee + pre-foreclosure)!

Motivated Seller Site

A custom website for attracting motivated sellers in your market!


Lists of comparables, so you can estimate any property’s value. Plus... info on every comp (including photos, year built, and Sold Price).

Property Workflow

A workflow that walks you through every step of your deal with training videos, scripts, and templates.

Contract Library

A library of attorney-approved contracts, so you can feel safe knowing you have ironclad agreements.

Flipper Score

A proprietary algorithm that ranks discounted MLS properties, saving you time and increasing your profits!

Assignment Generator Pro

A digital contract for securing Cash Buyers without touching a piece of paper! (includes digital signatures)

Leads Dashboard

A simple, intuitive dashboard for finding motivated sellers, cash buyers, and private lenders in every market in the country!

Offer Generator Pro

A fill-in-the-blank digital offer generator, so you can make offers in minutes (not hours).

Custom Websites

Custom websites that convince Cash Buyers and Private Lenders to work with you (even if you don’t have any properties yet)

Funding Network

A network of over 100 lenders. Just fill out a simple form, and they compete to fund your deal! (Your credit doesn’t matter)

Training Center

Industry-leading training on wholesaling, fix & flips, and more (including video lessons and written materials).

Rehabbing Tools

A Budget Tracker, Contractor Management Center, and Rehab Checklist (which estimates your repair costs in 15 minutes or less)!

Instant Deal Analyzer

A deal analyzer that runs the numbers on any house, and tells you the offer price (and how much profit you’ll make)!

Auto Dialer

An automated dialer that makes twice as many cold calls (in half the time), and organizes all your leads!

List Dashboard

A property list dashboard, with “quick actions” for launching direct mail, RVM, and skip tracing campaigns with one click!

Deep Skip Tracing

Advanced skip tracing with over a dozen data points, including phone numbers (landline and mobile), email addresses, and social media handles.

SMS Marketing

A tool for sending bulk text messages, so you can secure cash buyers with the push of a button!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes. Your plan is month-to-month and you can cancel
at anytime.

Q. Do I need real estate experience?

No. Flipster is designed to work for brand-new and experienced investors alike! Even if you’re completely new to real estate, the software is easy-to-use and comes with tutorial videos. Plus, in the Training Center, you’ll get additional lessons on the basics of real estate.

Q. Are there any hidden fees?

No, there are no hidden fees.

Q. Do I need to hire someone to do this?

No. You can learn how to use Flipster in one day. It’s ridiculously user-friendly, and you don’t need any technical or marketing experience.

Q. What if I don’t have a big
 advertising budget?

That’s Ok, you don’t need any advertising budget with Flipster. You can email, call, or text motivated sellers, cash buyers, and private lenders for free. There’s no extra charge to send emails with Flipster (and there’s no limit to the number of emails you can send).

Q. Do I need to install software? Will this work on Mac and PC?

Flipster is a cloud-based software, which means that you don’t need to install anything. You can login from any smartphone, tablet, or computer (Mac and PC).

Q. Do I need other software or tools?

No. Flipster is an all-in-one software with all the tools you need to find, fund, and flip houses. It also includes contact/property management, analyzers, email marketing, and digital contracts, so you can run your entire real estate business with one software!

Q. Is training and support included?

Yes. You have unlimited access to our top-notch support team. There are also dozens of tutorial videos and training documents within Flipster to guide you.

Q. Does this work in all 50 states?

Yes, Flipster works in all 50 states. We have motivated sellers, cash buyers, and private lenders in every state, and all the tools work nationwide. We even have users from Canada who flip houses in the US!

Note: Due to new SMS marketing regulations, Flipster has discontinued its SMS feature in order to protect our users. We recommend that you research all applicable laws before using any SMS marketing service.

Hurry! Get Access to Flipster Now

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